Shuttle Centre


 “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Pslam 122:1

St. Mina Church is offering a Shuttle Service for Congregation Members who have no other Means of Transportation to get to our Church.

Priority will be given to Seniors, New-comers with no Cars, and Youth.

Gathering Points & Schedules are outlined below. Please allow Sufficient Time to ensure that you don’t miss the Shuttle.

Routes and Schedules will be revised/optimized based on Actual use/demand as well as Commitment of Users.

  Sunday Morning Route ( Please call  or text to 403-971-8080  or email to The Bus will not go to these points unless you reserve your seat

StopDeparture TimeGathering Point
17 Ave SW & 10 St SW8:15 amSee Map
Dalhousie LRT8:30 amSee Map
Crowfoot LRT8:40 amSee Map
Sandstone Terminal8:55 amSee Map
St Mina Church9:10 am——–
Return after the service1:30 pm——–


Friday Evening Route ( no reservation required , just show up on time )

Dalhousie LRT6:20 pmSee Map
Superstore Panorama Hills6:40 pm
Return after the service


  For Special Occasions and Feasts Services, please email


For Sunday-Schoolers and Under-18 (If NOT accompanied by a Parent), a Consent Form is MANDATORY:


Please review the MANDATORY Safety-on-Board Rules:

For any Questions and/or Concerns related to the Shuttle Service, please contact:

Mr. Ragai Botros

(403) 971-8080