by admin | Apr 16, 2024 | English Spritual Articals, Spritiual Articals |
The Healing of the Blind Man Excerpt from: The Gospel According to St John – A Patristic Commentary – Part 2 Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty This gospel is read on the ‘Sunday of Baptism’ as it is associated with the mystery of baptism which represents inner insight and...
by admin | Mar 6, 2024 | Fathers, Spritiual Articals |
Pre-lent Sunday On Pre lent Sunday, we start to prepare ourselves for fasting and glorifying God. We need to shoe God that we are fasting for him, and not anybody else, as is said in Matthew 6:1-4. We are not trying to show off to the whole world that we are fasting...
by admin | Nov 25, 2023 | Arabic Spritual Articals, Spritiual Articals |
من الذي ولدته العذراء ؟ هل ولدت إلهاً فقط ؟ أم إنساناً فقط ؟ أم ولدت إلها وإنساناً؟ أم ولدت الإله المتجسد ؟ من المستحيل أن تكون قد ولدت إلهاً فقط ، لأنها ولدت طفلاً رآه الكل . ولا يمكن أن تكون ولدت إنساناً فقط ، لأن هذه هي هرطقة نسطور ! ثم ما...
by admin | Sep 15, 2023 | English Spritual Articals, Spritiual Articals |
Ever feel like you’re drowning? Like it’s just too much? Like the world around you is a raging sea and you just keep getting tossed from one wave to another? Always unsettled? Always on the run? Always late for something or behind on something? Always overwhelmed? If...
by admin | Sep 1, 2023 | Fathers, Spritiual Articals |
Recently I found some old pictures of myself from my younger days – my pre-priesthood/pre-marriage days. Nothing is more fun than looking through those old pictures (especially with your kids who think the world wasn’t created until they came into being) and...
by admin | Aug 15, 2023 | Spritiual Articals, Arabic Spritual Articals |
عندما رأى الرب – وهو مجتاز – إنساناً أعمى منذ ولادته، وسأله تلاميذه عن سبب ولادته أعمى: أهي خطيته أم خطية والديه؟ أجاب الرب: إنها ليست السبب، وإنما لتظهر أعمال الله فيه، ولكي يُظهِر الرب مجده، مُقدِّماً نفسه أنه “نور العالم”، فبَدَت المفارقة ساطعة بين الظلام الذي يسبح...